The North Carolina Small Business Center Network

Need business consulting by experts, training-- and even grant money for your business? The State of North Carolina has a network of knowledgeable consultants throughout the state based in colleges, universities and community colleges.

The SBC Network's mission is to get right down at the community level and aid startups and help existing businesses grow. We have first hand knowledge of how the consultant at our local community college, Mayland CC, has helped startups and established businesses before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic chaos. If you're in Mitchell, Avery or Yancey Counties in NC then contact Allen Cook through his Web page. Allen is a knowledgeable and energetic guy who can make things happen.

If you live outside North Carolina your state may have a similar program. We haven't yet researched other states, but we're betting they do.

Here's a partial list of the services that Allen and his associates have provided in our area:

  • Personal, one-on-one confidential consulting services to startups and ongoing businesses
  • Marketing workshops at the college presented by practicing experts
  • Workshops and presentations down to the community level in towns around our area
  • Zoom meeting workshops and presentations when the Covid lockdown drove us all inside
  • Advising and helping arrange emergency grants to struggling businesses during the Covid emergency
  • Advising on other sources about available loans and grants

Visit this page to find an NCSBC representative in your area.

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